Phumla Lempuku

Phumla Lempuku, 34 years old, has been beading with Monkeybiz since 2005. She learned the art of beading from her mother, Noiz Lempuku. Originally from Gatyana in the Eastern Cape, Phumla now lives in Khayelitsha, Site C. She finds joy in working with her hands and loves that beading not only allows her to express her creativity but also brings her happiness through the income it provides.

Phumla Lempuku

Phumla Lempuku, 34 years old, has been beading with Monkeybiz since 2005. She learned the art of beading from her mother, Noiz Lempuku. Originally from Gatyana in the Eastern Cape, Phumla now lives in Khayelitsha, Site C. She finds joy in working with her hands and loves that beading not only allows her to express her creativity but also brings her happiness through the income it provides.